Francisco Magnone Rienzi aims to connect people with physical and virtual spaces, promoting new opportunities on different scales, platforms and territories.
Architect and AI/Computer Science researcher, currently based in Barcelona and Montevideo, works as an independent consultant for contemporary offices of architecture, urban planning, and art. With broad and bold technical expertise in space design and visual design, envisions and builds from digital spaces to avant-garde big-scale architecture developments.
Author | Project | Year |
IND + ROQUERO | Undisclosed project in Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2024 |
IAAC | 3DPA in Barcelona, Spain | 2023 |
IAAC | Living Prototypes in Berlin, Germany | 2022 |
VANTEM | R&D, US | 2022 |
ROQUERO | Building5 in Boston, US | 2022 |
AUTHORS | British Housing in Montevideo, Uruguay | 2022 |
RICARDO BOFILL | King Salman Cultural Centers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ★ First Prize International Competition | 2021 |
RICARDO BOFILL | Undisclosed project in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | 2020 |
RICARDO BOFILL | Undisclosed project in Neom, Saudi Arabia | 2020 |
RICARDO BOFILL | Royal Arts Complex, King Salman Park in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ★ First Prize International Competition | 2019 |
AUTHORS | Arquisur, Latin America ★ First Prize International Academic Researching Competition | 2019 |
RICARDO BOFILL | Undisclosed project in Xiamen, China ★ First Prize International Competition | 2019 |
DCS | Paulson Hospital Reconversion, Ecuador | 2019 |
RICARDO BOFILL | Undisclosed project in Shenzhen, China | 2019 |
MAGNONE | NIDO Condominio Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia ★ First Prize International Competition | 2019 |
AUTHORS | Cinemateca Café, Uruguay | 2019 |
MAGNONE | Torre Urubó, Bolivia | 2019 |
AUTHORS | M4 Reinvent The Habitat, Netherlands ★ Selected Project International Competition | 2018 |
AUTHORS | Urban Hybrid offices, Uruguay | 2018 |
AUTHORS | Bompland 633 Housing, Uruguay | 2018 |
MAGNONE | Cowork Circular Nordelta, Argentina | 2018 |
SUPERSUDACA | Turismo Caribe, Turks & Caicos Guidelines, Caribbean | 2017 |
AUTHORS | Refugio San Carlos, Uruguay | 2016 |
MAGNONE | Costaventura Hotel, Uruguay | 2016 |
MAGNONE | Intelimod Modular Housing, Latin America & USA | 2015 |
VIGLIECCA | Salvador Masterplan, Brasil | 2014 |
MAGNONE | Sinergia Cowork, Uruguay | 2014 |
KRIPPER | Boston Housing, USA | 2014 |
51-1 + RE | DCO Oasis, Peru | 2014 |
VIGLIECCA | Deodoro Olympic Park RIO 2016, Brasil | 2013 |
ANTIPODESCAFE | Endre Oslo, Norway | 2013 |
51-1 + RE | Karibao, Ecuador | 2013 |
ZEROGROUP | Manaus Center, Brasil | 2013 |
MAPA | Antel Arena, Uruguay ★ Selected Project International Competition | 2013 |
VIGLIECCA + MAPA | SESC Ribeirao Preto, Brasil ★ Third Prize National Competition | 2013 |
51-1 + RE | El Calado Ancon Housing, Peru ★ Selected Project | 2012 |
ARCOS | Arena da Baixada Club Atletico Paranaense, Brasil | 2011 |
51-1 + RE | Paracas Lagoon, Peru | 2011 |
ZEROGROUP + FABRICA DE PAISAJE | YUL-MTL Moving Landscapes, Canada ★ Mention International Competition | 2011 |
FABRICA DE PAISAJE | Hitos Ecuménicos y Centro de Visitantes para Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina ★ Second Prize National Competition | 2011 |
AUTHORS | Concurso Parque Cerro Pan de Azúcar, Uruguay ★ Third Prize National Competition | 2010 |
AUTHORS | Marine Research Center and Memorial, Indonesia ★ Mention International Competition | 2010 |

Image Ref.:
Img. 01 – Torre Urubó, Bolivia (Magnone)
Img. 02 – Bompland 633 Housing, Uruguay (Fiorito, Magnone, Piña)
Img. 03 – M4 (Magnone, Lopez)
Img. 04 – Urban Hybrid offices, Uruguay (Magnone, Piña)
Img. 05 – Taller Martin / Fadu, UdelaR
Img. 06 – RBTA, Spain
Img. 07 – Taller Martin / Fadu, UdelaR
Img. 08 – Refugio San Carlos (Magnone, Piña)
Img. 09 – M4 (Magnone, Lopez)
Img. 10 – ITI Competition (Magnone, Lopez, Piña)
Img. 11 – M4 (Magnone, Lopez)